6月にGraham Oliver's Army公演にゲスト出演で
来日する、SAXONのギタリストPaul Quinn のインタビューです!

Back in Japan

Q: First and foremost, thanks for accepting the invitation to come to Japan.
PQ: I’m really glad to. I miss the country and its people and I’m doing it in friendship because I still see the other line-up. I’m still in Saxon as a writer and will play the occasional gigs.



Q: I always regard you as the kind of Ringo Starr of Saxon in that you were the one who kept in touch with both parties after the split. A lynchpin between the two.
PQ: That’s a nice thought. I do have some of the Capricorn, sheepdog instinct, trying to heard people (laughs)

Q: 私はあなたをサクソンにおけるリンゴ・スターのような存在だと考えています。なぜなら、あなたは解散後も両者と連絡を取り合っていたからです。両者の間のリンチピンですね。

Q: Anything you’d like to do while you are here?
PQ: I’d like to see the Emperor’s Palace or gardens or a shrine.


Carpe Diem and the Inspiration albums

Q: Andy Sneap worked with you on your latest studio album. What directive, if any, did the band give him or vice versa?
PQ: Well he knows how we work and he has his own agenda and sense of pace. He likes most NWOBHM and our style and he knows when we’ve got something left in us. You know, whether to push us for another take and he also knows when to leave us, to be imperfect, enough to sound like we are playing live.


Q: アンディ・スニープが最新のスタジオ・アルバムであなたと一緒に仕事をしました。バンドは彼にどのような指示を出したのでしょうか、またその逆もあるのでしょうか?
PQ: まあ、彼は僕らの仕事のやり方を知っているし、彼なりの意図やペース配分を持っている。彼はNWOBHMと我々のスタイルが好きで、我々がまだ何かを残している時を知っている。また、ライブで演奏しているようなちょうどいい不完全なサウンドを残すタイミングもわかっている。

Q: As every good producer should.
PQ: Exactly, yes. Perfection sucks.

Q: 優れたプロデューサーは皆そうであるべきです。
PQ: その通り。完璧なのは嫌なんだろう。

Q: This one was recorded separately, i.e., you were not all in the studio together. Is that something you are comfortable with or do you prefer the old-fashioned way?
PQ: It didn’t particularly bother me. I’m not great at digital so I went to Andy’s and let him guide me. They’ve all got better home studios than me. I’m doing this interview on my home studio which is just a laptop. (smiles)


Q: That day out Carpe Diem at Hadrian’s Wall for the video looked a bit breezy…
PQ: Yeah! It wasn’t the warmest day out. I could imagine the Romans shivering.


Q: You’re a Barnsley lad though, you should be used to that.
PQ: Sort of, yeah. A lot of Barnsley is in a valley though so we only get wind from certain angles.


Q: While we are on videos, where was the Razzamatazz one filmed? It looks like Leicester De Montfort Hall where I first saw you on the Bomber tour.
PQ: That’s right, yeah. It’s a great hall. It seems wider than what it used to be but it might just be that P.A.s are flown these days.

Q:ビデオの話題ですが、Razzamatazzのものはどこで撮影されたのでしょうか?Bomberのツアーで初めてあなたを見たLeicester De Montfort Hallのようです。
PQ: そうだね。素晴らしいホールだよ。昔より広くなったような気がするけど、最近はP.A.が飛んでいるから仕方ないのかもしれないね。

Q: That’s a very good point. Which P.A. Company did you use back then by the way?
PQ: Malcolm Hill.


Q: Got it. Let’s come up to the Inspirations albums. It must have been quite a task to not only just choose the artists but the songs of an artist. Did you set any limitations (eras, genres, etc) on yourselves when choosing them?
PQ: No, just things that impressed us at the time. Sometimes it’s hard to believe how good we can be until we start doing covers because you can tell how good a band is if they do a good cover. We will try anything and just go for it.


Q: Did you try any that didn’t work for one reason or another?
PQ: No. We don’t usually try extra songs and they were pretty much agreed on before we started.


Q: I’d like to see you guys do My White Bicycle.
PQ: Ah! Now that’s a real crossover song. I don’t know if we need and Inspirations III but we’ll bear it in mind.

Q:My White Bicycleをやってほしいです。
PQ: ああ!あれは本当にクロスオーバーな曲だ。インスピレイションズの3枚目のアルバムを作るかどうかはわからないけど、覚えておくよ。

Q: A slight aside, Graham told me that his epiphany moment was seeing Hendrix play. You have sited many guitarists as your influence but was there one gig or moment where you thought ‘That’s for me!’?
PQ: Hendrix is an obvious one although I didn’t get to see him play. Graham lived slightly closer to Sheffield (where Hendrix played) than me although that’s no excuse, I didn’t know his on even. The guitarist that showed me the possibilities of shred was Patto’s guitarist Ollie Halsall. He was very similar to Allan Holdsworth and in fact Ollie replaced Allan in Tempest.

PQ: 演奏は見れなかったけど、間違いなくヘンドリックスだね。グラハムはシェフィールド(ヘンドリックスが演奏した場所)に僕より少し近いところに住んでいたんだけど、それは言い訳にはならないし、公演があることすら知らなかった。僕にシュレッドの可能性を教えてくれたギタリストは、Pattoのギタリストオリー・ハルソールだった。彼はアラン・ホールズワースにとても似ていて、実際、オリーはアランの代わりにテンペストに参加した。

Q: Both of them are phenomenal guitarists. I don’t understand how their brains work.
PQ: I know that both of them were listening to other instruments, primarily Jazz instruments. Holdsworth was listening to Horn players and Halsall was also a vibe player so he was listening to vibraphone artists.


Retirement? Surely not.

Q: Your last time in Japan was over a decade ago, August 2011. Since then you’ve done four studio albums, two covers albums, four live albums, a handful of videos, numerous tours, approaching a thousand gigs and that’s not including your own trio, The Cards. You’ve recently announced that you’re stepping back from touring, I really can’t see you as a pipe and slippers man, what have you got planned?
PQ: (laughs) Well, as regards to the pipe, I’m an ex-smoker so that’s not going to happen. No, my hands and wrists, brain even were feeling slower and I don’t want to be like a sportsman who can’t score. Later Saxon music brings the pushing of our abilities and limits so it’s borderline ok to retire but I’m not fully retiring. It’s just that I can’t do six shows in a row anymore. I give too much to every gig.

引退? まさか。

Q: あなたが最後に来日したのは、10年以上前の2011年8月でした。それ以来、あなたは4枚のスタジオ・アルバム、2枚のカバー・アルバム、4枚のライヴ・アルバム、数本のビデオ、数多くのツアー、1000回に迫る公演をこなしてきました。さらに、あなたは自身のトリオであるThe Cardsもありますね。最近、ツアーから身を引くと発表しましたが、私はあなたがパイプとスリッパの男であるとはとても思えないのですが、何か計画があるのでしょうか?

Q: Well what I’ve seen you do with The Cards is, too me, more expressive in the way of the old Muddy Waters thing in that you can say more in four notes than in a hundred and twenty and you sound great!
PQ: Thanks. We do enjoy ourselves.

Q: あなたがThe Cardsでやっていることは、昔のマディ・ウォーターズのような表現方法で、120音よりも4音でより多くを語ることができ、素晴らしいサウンドだと思います!
PQ: ありがとう。僕たちは音楽を楽しんでいるんだ。

Q: I love Rock trios. Cream, Hendrix, ELP, Motorhead, Rory Gallagher’s band, etc, as each member has to give 100% all the time. With The Cards, how much harder as a guitarist do you have to work compared to playing with Saxon?
PQ: It’s more naked. I’m also doing another three-piece called Paul Quinn’s Big Noise which is with other friends. The Cards are still going and I have to really concentrate for both but the great thing about a three-piece is that you can mix the modes. You don’t have to play majors or minors.

Q: 私はロックのトリオが大好きです。クリーム、ヘンドリックス、ELP、モーターヘッド、ローリー・ギャラガーのバンドなど、各メンバーが常に100%の力を発揮しなければならないからです。The Cardsでは、Saxonでの演奏と比較して、ギタリストとしてどのくらいハードに働かなければならないのでしょうか?

Q: What genre is Paul Quinn’s Big Noise?
PQ: It’s more accessible, mainstream, let’s say commercial stuff.

PQ: もっと聴きやすく、メインストリームで、コマーシャルなものだ。

Mr Quinn at home

Q: Twining’s or Tetley’s?
PQ: (laughs) that’s a funny question. PG Tips tea, Tetley’s beer.


PQ:(笑)それは面白い質問だね。PG Tipsの紅茶、テトリーのビール。

Q: Which eras of history interest you the most?
PQ: I’d say they are all of interest. The problem with politicians these days is that they don’t realise that the same mistakes have been made in the past and keep making them again. You know, the Doomsday Clock has just been adjusted from two minutes to ninety seconds to midnight. Well the powers that be should realise what the universe will miss if this world disappears.

Q: 歴史の中で、どの時代に最も興味を持ちましたか?

Q: Any hobbies? Do you collect anything?
PQ: Not anything apart from a full collection of Terry Pratchett books and over thirty guitars.


Q: Are those guitars from right back from when you were a kid?
PQ: I wish. I’m one of those players that never had the money to hang onto them. I had to trade them. They are all pretty much different models although I have some reproductions of Harrison’s and Clapton’s.

PQ: そうだったらいいんだけどね。僕は、ギターを持ち続けるお金がなかったプレーヤーの一人だ。交換するしかなかったんだ。ハリソンやクラプトンの複製も持っているけど、どれもかなり違うモデルだよ。

Q: Do you support a team?
PQ: I like to see Barnsley do well but I’m not an avid watcher. I’ve only been to four or five games in my entire life.


Q: Paul, thanks very much and I’ll see you here in June at the airport.
PQ: Thanks very much. Will you have the flowers in hand? (laughs)

Q: ポール、どうもありがとうございました!6月に空港でお会いしましょう。

Q: I may just surprise you.
PQ: (laughs) Ok. Thanks Glenn.


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